So, Tony, how was/is your trip? Make your connections?
Yup, every single one. Some of them *barely*, but we saw and did everything we wanted to do. We had a very detailed itinerary written up, and I'm amazed that we were actually able to stick to it the whole time.

We had 6 minutes and 9 minutes to spare, respectively, for our train transfers in Utrecht and Frankfurt. The Utrecht one came off without a hitch (in fact, so well, that I don't even remember clearly if we even had to switch platforms), but the Frankfurt switch was interesting. We were in reserved compartments for those trains, and when we arrived at the compartment in Utrecht, there were some people in the compartment who weren't supposed to be there. I asked the conductor about it, and he came over and discovered the guys were (a) freeloading without tickets, and (b) were trying to bring pot over from Amsterdam. The train ran 12 minutes late because of the hassle of getting them off the train and handed over to the police.

During the ride to Frankfurt, they kept announcing at each stop "your connecting train will not wait. Alternate is..." So when we arrived in Frankfurt, 12 minutes late, we were sure we were screwed because our connecting train was supposed to have left three minutes earlier. But not only was that train right there on the same platform, it turns out that it was running 20 minutes late itself. How's that for luck?

Those trains were freaking impressive, too. FAST mofos, high tech and clean, lots of wood grain paneling and glass. Stylistically, very Star Trek Next Gen.
Tony Fabris