Soooooo, when I get a CD that has v3 alpha, it doesn't translate into "look what I have today". It translates into "Wow, The Guys are still at work." --- events have conspired to let The Guys keep banging away at all of this, which is very, very cool.
I agree, we really have to hand it to The Guys for all the work they've done. It occurs to me, though, that part of the reason they're offering us a V3 trunk build is because of the quality of this closely-knit user community. We're the perfect test platform for new software technology.

Edit: Re-reading that, it sounds kind of conceited. What I was trying to say was: The guys deserve our gratitude. And at the same time, we deserve a pat on the back for continuing to be the coolest user community on the web.
Tony Fabris