genixia~ BRAVO! What a wonderful and helpful post. That helps a lot, and I'll read it over a few times to make sure I understand it. When I start studying networking I'll have a good starting point.
Bitt~ thanks for the clarifications. I don't see myself needing a VLAN with the number of computers on this network, but it's nice to know about
gsm01320~ hehe, no problem. I wasn't giving that much help anyway
Thanks, folks! I'll study up some more and see what I can do with these things. On the plus side, I want to say that my current hub only transmits at 10MBps, so this would be a step up I assume. It sure was nice to get these handed to me. I looked on ebay and they're going for quite a bit. The one positive aspect of working here is that since nobody knows what all these old computer parts do, it's easy to nab them when the tech support guys tell them to upgrade

I've gotten a bunch of stuff from here.
Thanks again!!