Ummm. Yeah. It don't work.

First, you might tell them that including some sort of test utility in the SASL distribution would be a good idea.

Second, the problem I'm having is that it seems to put the username and password in the sasldb, but nothing seems to be able to authenticate against that. One of the problems is that I'm not sure if it's a problem with sasl itself, or if it's a problem with other programs accessing it, or if it's a problem with some configuration, or what. (I recognize that Cyrus is supposed to be intended for internal CMU use and the fact that they release it publically is a nicety, but the documentation still sucks.)

The thing is that I've been using SASL1 for ages without problem, but I need to upgrade and it requires SASL2 which simply doesn't seem to work at all. I've been poking around at it so much that I don't even know what questions to ask.

  1. Is the proper imapd.conf option to get it to use sasldb ``sasl_pwcheck_method: sasldb'' or ``sasl_pwcheck_method: auxprop'' or something else?
  2. If it's ``auxprop'', why does it keep saying it can't find auxprop? There's no apparent way to build libauxprop.a to put into the plugins directory.
  3. Is there a test SASL program so that I can attempt to authenticate simply just to test to see if the sasldb is working properly at all? Running ``sasldblistusers2'' shows me the users, but I've no idea if the passwords are right.
That's all I can really think of right now. I posted a message to the SASL and Cyrus mailing lists. Maybe you could just prod them to answer me there.
Bitt Faulk