- Same news on Zdnet.

ZDNet had some wording for the law that worried me; "But if the ACCOPS bill were to succeed, prosecutors would not have to prove that a copyrighted file was repeatedly downloaded. Conyers' proposal would require them to prove only that the file was publically accessible. " Define "pubically accessible". If some numbnut sys-admin does not secure his network and you can get to copyrighted material, does that make him a felon or just stupid? What bugs me about these laws is that they are written so vauge it opens people to all kinds of legal action.

Edit for my wonderful spelling:
You know, I need a program that monitors what I am typing on forums and lets me know if I am typing something stupid. :P

Edited by Soulseeker (18/07/2003 14:50)
A superhero appears from the shadows...could this be Batman, or just another fat kid with a cape?