Linux illiterate to linux illiterate,
Here is how I did it. Perhaps someone can offer a more efficient way, but I closed my eyes one day and just did it.
Here are the website instructions with my commentary
1. Download the empire (version 0.20) application.
2. Install the latest Hijack kernel from Mark Lord's website. This kernel includes the IrDA support you will need to run Empire.
I assume you’ve gotten this far. However, check to make sure you have the developer’s image on the empeg. Then don’t forget to re-install hijack (doh)
3. Install OpenOBEX libraries (included in
Copy all the lib/* files from to your /lib directory on the empeg. You will have to create a few symbolic links from the command line on the Empeg:
Do this using an ftp client, but make sure your empeg is hooked up to your computer using a serial port and using hyperterminal monitor what’s going on. Reference this faq entry on using hyperterminal and calling up linux shell prompts
then you will need to make sure you are in the correct directory
cd /lib
should do this
then just copy and paste the following symbolic links:
empeg:/lib# ln -s
empeg:/lib# ln -s
the files in the /lib directory should now look like this:
check to see if the files in your /lib directory look like this in your ftp client. I could not figure out how to get this file view in hyperterminal.
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 24 Feb 7 00:45 ->
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 28796 Feb 7 00:45
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 40328 Feb 7 00:45 libopenobex.a
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 744 Feb 7 00:45
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 24 Feb 7 00:45 ->
Make sure the permissions for the files are set up correctly. At the command line:
chmod 755 libopenobex*
do this in hyperterminal after you write in the symbolic links
should do fine for all the lib files (this will make all the permissions rwxr-xr-x).
4. Copy empire, irattach, sleep, and start_empire from the package onto your Empeg. I place all the binaries in the /usr/local/bin directory. These can be placed anywhere you like, but you will have to modify the start_empire shell script to reflect the new location if you are not using /usr/local/bin.

Copy the files over using ftp then in hyperterminal type:
Cd /usr/local/bin
If you type
Then you can see the new files you copied across
Then typer
Chmod 755
in hyperterminal to set the permission in the /usr/local/bin directory
Make sure the permissions for the files are set up correctly. At the command line, use chmod to change the permissions for all the newly uploaded files to 755 (rwxr-xr-x).
Using Emplode do the rest
5. Modify your config.ini with the following:
6. [output]
7. notify=1
8. [hijack]
;@EXEC_ONCE /bin/bash -c "/usr/local/bin/start_empire 10 &"
9. Restart the player and you are ready to rock.