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The CRT based rear projectors, on the other hand, will actually change the raster scan rate of the CRTs to exactly match the number of lines of the incoming image in the case of a 1080i input. So for high def, you'll simply get a more accurate, less processed picture, with more detail, on a CRT-based projector.
There is a big caveat to this: no CRT's short of 9" front projector behemoths can actually resolve 1080 lines of resolution. So while the CRT may draw 1080 lines, those lines overlap and effectively reduce the resolution. I don't know exactly what today's RPTV's can do but 600-800 lines is a typical ballpark resolution for a 7" CRT.
Toshiba has a LCOS (LCD variant) RPTV that is 1920x1080 but it costs something like $8k.