Also BTW, this sort of crap is why I personally hold no esteem for certifications. They don't provide any knowledge to an employer about whether or not a potential employee has the appropriate knowledge, as they don't test appropriate knowledge. In fact, I tend to toss out on their ears the interviewees who are proud of their certifications, as they were unable to recognize that the certs are useless.
Or, as Dignan points out, unable to recognise quickly enough that the employer recognises that certs are useless. Heaven knows there are enough positions out there where hiring decisions are made by people who know nothing about the job in question.

But I'm afraid that looking for cheap ways to get certified sounds as much a contradiction in terms as looking for a cheap way to become a Scientologist. The whole system is set up to make money for the certifiers, and nobody's about to shoot the fox by charging what it's actually worth.

Oh yeah, and the reason you'd clean a keyboard is 'cos keyboards are common but good keyboards are rare...
