Hmm. Control-C during the TTSclock routine worked. I got past it.
Now I need to figure out how to edit the file without the carriage returns that Windows likes to put in it. I saw the link you gave me above, I am going to try that.
I am now at this point..
Press 'q' now to go into development mode. You Have Zero Seconds To Comply...
Starting player
Hijack: intercepting config.ini
': not a valid identifieropts: `Option
Saved AC volume was 62
hijack_exec("/drive0/var/ttsclock -t-5"), rc=0 (okay)
hijack_exec("/drive0/var/pcmplay < /drive0/var/systemcheck.pcm"), rc=0 (okay)
hijack: removed menu entry: "Hard Disk Detection"
hijack: removed menu entry: "Tuner RDS Control"
hijack: removed menu entry: "Serial Port Assignment"
khttpd: listening on port 80
kftpd: listening on port 21
Restored terminal settings
Remounting first music partition read-only
Remounting second music partition read-only
Abnormal player termination
Player received SIGINT, user interruption
Switching to shell-player loop
Carl Aydelotte
Dallas Texas USA
empeg MKII 080000506 40gb-green