Just for fun now, can someone tell me where my mistake is?
Here is a line from the boot log that caused the lockup.. only it never displayed until I gained control by hitting Control-C on my keyboard.
hijack_exec("/drive0/var/pcmplay < /drive0/var/systemcheck.pcm"), rc=0 (okay)
The actual line in the config.ini is as follows..
;@EXEC_ONCE /drive0/var/pcmplay < /drive0/var/systemcheck.pcm
There are spaces on both sides of the < sign.. is that the problem? I created my own sound file and converted it from a .wav to a .pcm with cooledit.. I may want to try this again sometime but I really would rather get it right the next time.
Carl Aydelotte
Dallas Texas USA
empeg MKII 080000506 40gb-green