I actualy remember seeing the Mark 1 about 5-6 years ago and thinking "i've got to have one of those" but being a poor 16 yr old i could barely afford a car to put one in. So i thought to myself then "someday.....someday i will have one" well alot of time went by and working my meger minimum wage jobs through highschool i was never able to make enough to feel comfortable spending $1500 on a headunit. that and the veichal i was driving was an old geo tracker w/a rag top so i didnt want to put anything expensive in it because it would be really easy for someone to steal it. well finaly after being out of highschool for 2 years and working enough to get a better car i started looking for things to put in the car. the empeg quickly came back to mind. i found out it had been EOL'ed and that i had just missed the firesale. bummer. fortunatly i found this bbs and somebody (i'm afraid i dont remember who) sold me a 10gb for $500. since then ive put a 60gb hd in with the 10 and plunked another $700 into my car's sound system. it is definatly my favorite thing i own and i dont have a clue what im going to do if/when it stops working.
- Marcus -