Ignoring the 40% thing, I don't think they've done anything that can really be called ``screw'' (despite my use of the term in the subject). It's really more ``gross incompetence''.

I've not talked to my boss about taking me on, but it's not going to happen. Of the 17 people in my group, two are not contractors, both are senior in time, one in seniority (bad use of words; sorry), and I have it on good authority that they make amongst the least in the group.

I could conceivably go to a different contracting agency. I'll at least talk to them first and see what they'll do. That way, even if I do get rid of them, they'll at least know why, which is much better than just dropping them like a hot potato. (I suppose I'm technically into my new contract now, despite the fact that I haven't signed anything, something that could work to my advantage, conceivably.)
Bitt Faulk