You're kidding, you deliberately did the E/3 thing, when the regularly-spelled name was already available? Cool. I guess it was sort of serendipity that we were on similar but different wavelengths.

The ones I put down as my "alternate" choices were just silly like EMPEG1 for example. I wish I'd thought of that L33T way of spelling it, but I'm glad I didn't need it.

Did you notice how, on the form, they ask you to explain the meaning of the license plate? I guess that's just in case you wanted to put something vulgar-yet-obscure on the license plate like "SMEGMA" or something.

There's a guy in a nearby town with a light-blue 60's-era Mustang with the license plate "SATAN". I wonder how he got away with that one...

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris