Thanks for your reply, Mike.

I installed the RXTX software for the VM that came with the JEmplode installer so that would be in the /jre/ folders in the JEmplode directory. At the moment that is the only VM installed on my system to keep things simple.

It would be nice to find some way to test RXTX without using JEmplode, but unfortunately my laptop, being so modern, doesn't have any serial ports! :-(

> Not sure what's up with the 1.4/1.3 change in accelerators. The accelators
> in the new versions will all be internationalized, and they're
> mostly rewritten, so maybe they'll work better when I actually do
> a jEmplode build.

I don't think the file upload problem was due to the accelerators, I just used the CTRL notation to describe which functions I was using. The same problem occurs if you use the toolbar buttons.

> Soups on the Empeg should stay up-to-date. Things potentially get
> weird if you switch between jEmplode and Emplode, but it's supposed
> to handle that too (it will rescan your soups at download-time and remove
> things that aren't supposed to be there anymore and add new ones
> that are)ms

That sounds pretty neat, I'll look forward to making use of that functionality soon. Even if it did automatically update I wasn't expecting it could handle changes by Emplode - not that I use Emplode much these days anyway.
