But they never once complained about the labels screwing them. In addition, they are the definition of ``sellout''; they never made a video before ``One'', according to them because they couldn't find any artistic merit to it (or something along those lines). Now they're complaining about not getting paid enough (sure) and doing box-office-smash soundtracks.

I'm not saying you can't grow up and change your mind, but a 180 from your previous standpoint is a little severe and is bound to draw questions, not to mention the fact that sellout is about the biggest curse in the music industry anyway.

To sum up, no one would have cared if it were N*Sync complaining, even though they're ``bigger'', as no one ever had any notion they cared about anything other than money, and they have nothing to gain from complaining about the industry, as they were studio-created anyway.
Bitt Faulk