Hey, I will be the last person to support Metallica or defend their anti-file-sharing crusade. I'm just trying to say they're subject to most of the same rules other artists are with respect to how much they earn for their work versus how much goes to the labels. My thoughts are that they didn't come out against their label because they already have legally binding contracts (probably signed a long time ago) which don't give them a legal leg to stand on (they signed the contract, so it's a little too late to complain about not getting enough of a cut.) I guess they figured it'd be easier to go after (in their mind) the second-biggest factor that was cutting into their bottom line, which was file sharing. Obviously they neglected the impact of public opinion. Of course, if they were smart, they'd realize that they could also help their bottom line by putting out better music...
- Tony C
my empeg stuff