The're using laser in Oregon now.

Yep. Bummer, man. I didn't think Oregone did data-sharing with California, though. Do they?

Returning from Boston, I had a discussion with a very nice RCMP gent in one of the flatter western provinces -- something about 136 in a 110. Very interesting, Coming in the opposite direction, he pulled out from behind an uphill semi and shot me as I (traveling downhill) hit the brakes. He then drove across the deep grass median and hit the lights. No mistaking his interest. Wellll, was I ever glad that I broke down recently and blew a whole $9 on WA vanity HAM plates. I got out of our meeting with a QSL card (written on a RCMP warning).

He was driving a little Chevy, and no sign that I could see of his gear, 'tho I will say it seemed pretty accurate.

Good news for some folks that there are not so many police out there.

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'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.