Out there would be southern Alberta, in the case of this picture, probably somewhere between Lethbridge (where I lived, up to Grade 7), and Pincher Creek. The western provinces only look flat if you grew up around the Rockies. Manitoba is flat. Essex County, in Southern Ontario is FLAT. After living in this latter for 7 years, I assure you, Saskatchewan has hills.

I am guilty, perhaps, of conflating my RCMP experience with that picture....which I *found* on the Internet....yes, I remember now, I found it on the 'Net!!

I hesitate to risk identification of the RCMP HAM, but I have to agree. Saskatchewan has some rolling hills.

I went on a road trip with a friend of mine, back in about '94. We averaged 140km/h from Winnepeg through to Lethbridge. The great thing about driving there is that people actually check their rearview mirrors, and if they see you coming up behind, will pull over onto the shoulder to let you pass.

Yes, rear-view consciousness and passing behavior improved (on average) dramatically once I got out of Oregon/Washington. Not perfect, but much better. I generally try to make sure I don't have more than a 5-10 MPH differential when passing. If you keep to that -- slow down a bit to avoid inducing heart attacks -- folks on the plains don't seem to get their nose out of joint.

(So... how close am I on that picture?)

Like I say, I found that picture on the Internet, so I can't be 100 percent sure, but from the looks of it my guess is that you are pretty close --- but the road signs in that pic don't look like they are written in Canadian. So I'd guess somewhere just south of Southern Alberta. Looks like somebody trying to calibrate/verify their outboard odo.

(edit: Boy did I misspell Saskatchewan....again!)

Edited by jimhogan (11/09/2003 15:52)

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.