Jim, how can you be so sure that Dean will win?
Well, that is my prediction. I am becoming more convinced that Dean will be the nominee, on terms of expected performance in key primaries, general mindshare/financial momentum, and the realization by even former Dean backbiters in the Democratic "Leadership Council"/DLC that he is the only entrant with any pizazz and a chance -- that he speaks for many more frustrated Demos than the old Clintonites would like to admit.
I mean, I'd love to see dickhead replaced, but all the signs point to a 2nd term as far as I can tell.
The reasons for my prediction of a second 1-term Bush?
- Shrub has more than a year to be hectored -- on very legitimate grounds -- by many smart people in 2 main areas, iraq and the economy. This will wear on image and approval ratings.
- Even the continued artificial float of real estate values will not be enough to satisfy consumers and Wall Street through another grinding $87 billion year of the U.S. adventure in Iraq.
- Tony Blair looks to get his clock cleaned, reducing further any sense of international support for Shrub's policies.
- People are talking a lot recently about the critical need to capture the "NASCAR Vote'. Well, a lot of those NASCAR voters have friends and relatives in the military, a military that is becoming increasingly disaffected with the outcome of Bush policies that they are forced to experience. Oh, and reserve tours extended to a year's length? Many of those folks will grudgingly stay there through next summer and November, but I expect they will punish the dumbass that put them there. It is amazing how quickly your best friends can turn on you when you abuse them.
Anyhow, those are some of the main things that come to mind.
Hey anybody know what the final score was in Afghanistan?
'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.