Well, it seems that Clark may be making a play for the starring role instead...

Yeah, sounds like he'll announce, other reports of talks with Dean notwithstanding. That doesn't trouble me too much. Not sure how he would actually *do* as prez, but in his shoes, don't know that I'd "surrender" to the VP role at this point.

but what I do know about General Clark makes me think he might be the candidate best able to pick up the pieces left behind by Bush.

I don't know that anybody is going to have a decent chance at picking up the pieces. I hope that somebody can come in and make nice with the rest of the world and our desired/traditional allies. I just don't know that there is a reasonable Iraq exit to be had. Even some of what I hear Dean say about "have to fulfill our commitment" kind of stuff makes me nervous.

I just wonder if Clark entering the race will split the "grassroots" vote so much as to kill the Dean momentum and vault one of the Democratic retreads (Gephardt, Kerry, Lieberman) to the top.

That seems like a risk. I am not the only person who sees Dean/Clark or Clark/Dean as the "dream team" I hope that as they parry and thrust they keep that possible configuration on their respective tables and avoid wounding each other. I pretty much think they are the one hope.

Dean/Clark in '04!

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.