I'm under the impression that there's a cavity or fracture he can't see, as I think I can feel a sharp point there with my tongue. He's laboring under the idea that it's my bite and has ``corrected'' it a number of times so that now it feels like my law sits sideways in my head. I just need to go to another dentist, maybe just once to get a second opinion. I'm not saying it's not my bite, but he seems almost dismissive.
It's not a sinus thing. I've had that and it's not similar at all. It does it really bad with cold. And not even cold, but cool. I have to make sure the tapwater is at mouth temperature before I can wash the toothpaste out of my mouth in the mornings. That pain is bad enough to make me wince uncontrollably and usually poind my foot on the ground. It's outrageously painful to have gone on for a year. I'd give it a 7 or 8, but it's amongst the more painful things I've ever experienced; I'm just leaving some leeway for having to hack my own arm off. Fortunately, I can avoid it; in fact, I always do unless I'm testing. Pressure, too, but not as bad; it's at about 2. Hot I'm not so sure about. I seem to have to hit it just right for heat to get past pressure with food and I almost never drink hot drinks. The once or twice I've experienced it, it's been with a hot sandwich, and I'd give it a 3 or so. Sweets I haven't noticed it bothering me at all. (I just hate sweetener in toothpaste because it tastes awful.)
These numbers seem to be getting neither better nor worse. I first noticed it when I got a crown on the tooth next to it, and I assumed for a long time that it was just that tooth healing, but I'm about 99% positive now that that's not the case.
Bitt Faulk