I'm not saying it's not my bite, but he seems almost dismissive.
Hard to ignore that. No dental coverage for contractors, eh? Maybe you can cut a deal for a very focused exam/consult. The tricky part is finding somebody whose opinion you'll have confidence in.
Dentist stories:
1) I think a lot of military dental work gets done in the summer when the reservists show up for 2 weeks. In 1974, I had 4 *big* wisdom teeth that apparently were almost lying perfectly sideways -- the hearing in one ear would occasionally drop out, presumedly from pressure from one of these. Soooo. one June day, they sat me in a chair at the hospital at Fort Sill and started an IV for a blast of Valium and Sublimaze........the next thing I remember is my toes dragging across the parking lot as 2 female dental techs -- both of them *robust* women, one under each arm -- carried me back to my barracks across the street. They made it and may be the last women seen in that barracks on official business.
A few days and lots of Percocets later, I was fine. No hearing drop-outs. They apparently had to drill 3 of them, then split them with a cold chisel to pull out the pieces.
A gross part: I never knew, but found out that there are some porous little bones floating around in there supporting those wisdoms, and every so often for a few months afterward one of those bones would float to the surface and I would spit it across the mess hall into somebody's soup.
2) I had a decent dentist in the late 80s who did 4-5 crowns at a point when I had decent insurance. She retired to be a full-time mother. After a year, I went back to see the guy who took over her practice (in a fairly posh office). This guy was young, handsome, smooth, and admittedly emphasized cosmetic dentistry. I told him that I had decent insurance again and that I was looking to make sure that I used it effectively. He did an exam and bite impression and said he would get back to me with a proposal. I went back in a week and he pretty much told me that all of those prior crowns were junk and he proposed to rip everything out and start over. Price tag? $23,000.
I smiled my crooked smile, nodded, left, and never returned. *Luckily*, through word of mouth, I found a local guy who is very nice, very sharp and very on top of things. Those crowns? They're fine.
'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.