if a p2p network charged a dollar a song
Apple has shown that people are willing to spend money on downloadable music. (I'm mostly not; I want a CD, dammit, because CDs don't get erased accidentally.)

But that's not the point. The P2P thing is about listening without charge. Whether for nefarious or curious purposes is up to the end user. All I know is that the only time I ever use P2P is when I don't know if I want to pay money for the CD (and, to be honest, sometimes when the CD is out of print). I'm not going to spend money on something in order to find out if I want to spend money on it. That just doesn't make any sense.

On the other hand, a P2P-style music store might be a good idea. It would assure the definite legality, but also allow one to see what people that liked the one thing also liked -- the browsing aspect of P2Ps.
Bitt Faulk