Is there some subtle logic I am missing here?
I don't think it's much of a contradiction. As I'm sure you know, radio singles are just the bait to get people to buy albums. The radio stations, not the listener, choose when those singles are played. So what you get by buying a CD is the ability to play that single, and all of the other tracks on the album, whenever and wherever you choose. You also get higher quality playback (satellite radio notwithstanding.) And oh yeah, no commercials, lame DJ interruptions, etc.
So it basically boils down to the consumer paying for convenience, along with the non-single tracks. Both of these are things that the radio doesn't give you, but filesharing does.
How about a supermarket that spends "a considerable amount of time and money" giving away free samples, but also spends "a considerable amount of time and money" on anti-shoplifting measures to make sure consumers don't get away with lots of free product. No double standard there, is there?
Sheesh, why am I telling you this, don't you work at a radio station?