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Are they getting 390w (ish) from the amp EACH or BETWEEN them (i.e. 195w each).

Well, they are sharing the full output power of the amp between them, each getting half of it. But was the full power of the amp specified at 4 or 2 ohm load? You *probably* get more power out of it into a 2 ohm load than into a 4 ohm load - at a greater risk of blowing the amp or getting clipping/distortion.

Car amps are usually voltage-bound, with a fair bit of current reserve, so they do give out more power into a 2-ohm load - *iff* they can take it! Is your amp specified to work on 2 ohms? 2 ohms is awfully low...

I don't think you are underpowering your speaker. But how loud do you play? How much reserve do you seem to have? (How much louder *can* you play compared to how loud you normally play)