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can't call it a scientific fact, but my experience is that - yes, car size does make a difference.

OK, I was making some gross simplifications. At *some frequencies* the size of the car makes a lot of difference, as the bodywork actually flexes and thansmits energy out of the car. The bigger the car, the bigger the surface area - and large areas of panel and glass let out more energy.

So an armoured car (or better yet, a tank) would be ideal from sound purposes. But parking is another issue...
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how to tell if the amp is running out of steam ... dimming headlights, or maybe with some kind of datalogger to see if it's not getting the juice it needs.

And of course , an amp could be overloaded without running out of supply power. Just imagine a 10W amp bottoming out - it won't show much on the power rail side. The best way would be to put an oscilloscope on the output, and see if a sine wave clips.