I've recently gotten into a few anime shows. Now I want to buy the DVDs, but it turns out that the US production companies are into extortion. If you can even find a place that sells your show, it'll cost some insane price for a single DVD with a few episodes on it.

I'm currently most into Inuyasha (I've gotten into anime via Cartoon Network). A little visit to Best Buy and all I saw was a single DVD with episodes 10 through 12 for $20. Considering the eventual release of over 120 episodes in the US, I'm not really up to buying 40 DVDs for $800.

I would think there was a better way, but I've also looked into buying Dragonball and Dragonball Z on DVD, and all totaled that would cost several times that much.

So does anyone know where I can find better prices on these DVDs?

(Oh, and while I took Japanese for five years, I suck at it, so I'm looking for English dubs)