I live near Baltimore, but I was in Pittsburgh all weekend and missed the storm. I returned home yesterday to find a big mess... Trees down everywhere - I lost 2 trees in my yard, and my dad says he lost 11 trees. No power. I lost all my food, but other people certainly faired much worse than I and lost so much more - flooded houses, basements, etc. My friend says the dumpster at our grocery store was full of spoiled frozen food because they had lost power - its Monday now and we still have no power (I'm at work).
The Pittsburgh TV stations were showing footage from the flooding in Baltimore - unprecedented. None of my friends at home knew how bad it was because they had no power to see the news coverage. They said roughly 650,000 of BGE's 1.1 million customers were without power during the storm - they say its down to about 250,000 now. There are still traffic lights this morning with no electricity. On my way to Pittsburgh on Thursday, I lost count of the number of utility work crews from other states driving in before the storm to help fix the outages.
My dad keeps a sailboat on the Patapsco river, which runs up the west side of the Bay into Baltimore - aside from the terrible flooding, he said at the marina across the cove from us, all the boats that were pulled from the water were either tipped over or had floated away. The water rose so high that it floated the boats right off their stilts - about 10-14 feet above normal.
I'll try to post pictures of the damage - but my CF reader is at home, inside my unpowered computer. I hope everyone made it through OK.
NewFace MK2a