Thanks a lot for the info Melki ! But.. 100 kb per route? Their website mentions 5 to 6KB ? But that's probably the theory and you're probably telling me about the practice.

Now I'll just wait for the Siemens Sx1 to be released and then I'll probably buy that Wayfinder software too. I've been thinking that it wouldn't be any good with my Nokia 7650 : the phone's handsfree function is way too quiet to be usuable and I can't make it work with a bluetooth carkit because it doesn't support it. Buetooth audio that DOES support bluetooth data. Like THAt is the most important on a mobile phone!
I guess I *could* buy a Nokia carkit of course, but that's not really an option considering I'll get rid of my 7650 as soon as the Sx1 is released.
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