It's really something you have to get a feeling about the costs during using that software....

True. I can believe that. IMO it's still the best solution for me because I only have to use a GPS solution on occasion and nowhere near on a daily basis. So I think that for me it would be ideal.

But I have all the maps form europe with me...

You mean paper maps ? Or is there a way to upload all of the info of one country to your phone all at once, getting rid of the necessity to remain connected to the dataserver of Wayfinder?

I still think this Wayfinder solution is the best solution one for me : I won't buy a dedicated GPS system because I can't justify the cost (won't need it enough), the IPAQ with GPS software is a nice alternative solution, but that would require me to buy a $500 pocket PC (which would be of no other use to me) + the added cost of the GPS software. ($200 easily)
Now with this solution, I've already got the necessary hardware (GSM phone), so I can save about $500 because I don't have to buy an IPAQ now. Of course now there is the added cost of the GSM gprs connection to the Wayfinder server. But I'm sure that will be not extremely high.
Especially if I use it like this : when I have to get to somewhere I've never been before, about 95% of the road can be covered by ordinary paper maps and road signs. It's only the last 5% of the route that is tricky, and for that part then I would then use the GPS. I'm sure that would be (by far) the cheapest solution, and for me it would completely fill my needs.

Thanks a lot for all the info.
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