You know what might work? Making the artwork downloadable, too. Have a thing where it's $0.99 per track (or however much) and then say something like ``If you get all the tracks for an album, then you get to download the CD art, insert, and J-card, too''. And don't make the customer buy all the tracks at the same time.

That way you could burn a CD yourself that's nearly equivalent to a store-bought one. They should offer nogapped versions, though, whether it be Ogg or nogapped mp3. Lossless compression would take a lot of bandwidth, though. Maybe that would be a good use for bittorrent. Or maybe they could develop a P2P network that requires an authorization code for each track.

Really, there are so many possibilities, and they're focusing on, at best, one. Also, the price is still a little too high, unless you're buying a three-track, 70-minute classical CD or something similar.
Bitt Faulk