Ok, to put what I'm about to say into context, first understand, I'm a profesional lurker. I read all the new posts on the board once, maybe twice a day, and I've been doing it for the past year. My post count is in the mid 30s.

That said, Paul, I suspected it was you, but wasn't sure for the following two reasons:

One: your last name doesnt look quite the same in the normal bbs font. And there was no "r".

Two: I remembered that you didn't encode that high. If you had put me to a guess I would have said you prefered 192 kbps. You say 200 kbps. Yes, this is creepy. Don't ask me how I remember this, I have a head for odd facts. I am always remembering things about them that people never expect (and sometimes don't want) me to remember.

So anyways, I figured it was you they ment, but it didn't quite add up in my head, so I thought I would ask.

Re: SE

Flat rate sounds nice, yes, but it would be wasted on me as I'm a sporadic buyer. Best thing, as always, is to give consumers a choice. Of course, how often does this happen in the recording industry?

The whole thing about WMA I agree with compleatly. It really goes without saying in my book. I dont care how cheep it is and how good of quality it is, if your restricting my use, you must not be agreeing that it is mine.
- Marcus -