Still waiting for the HD TiVo!

Ditto on that. My understanding is we won't see it this calendar year. Some Google searching reveals the HD DirecTiVo will have 4 tuners (two satellite, two off-the-air), a 250GB disk, and cost around $800. This in 1Q04. The only missing feature is a DVD burner.

(Edit: There's also a non-DirecTV version coming that will include an MPEG encoder so it can record analog signals. Heaven only knows when we'll finally get a grand-unified all-in-one gizmo. Among the all-in-one features that are still in separate boxes, but have no intrinsic reason for being so: HD-DVD playing, whether via DivX, MPEG4, or Windows Media Player; video game support, such as Sony PS2; HD-based time shifting; DVD burning; and various MP3 and JPEG ripping/display features. This "convergence" is definitely beginning with these TiVo/DVD boxes, and will undoubtably continue for the next several years. Of course, you can do most, but not all, of this today with a home theater PC...)