i also have the bluetooth adaptor that came with it as i could not buy it without if anyone is looking for one.
Unfortunatly, being a wonderful Microsoft idea, thats not a full bluetooth adaptor you have. It only supports the keyboard, mouse, printers, and using a cell phone as a modem. So for most people it will be worthless, as they can't use a wireless headset with it, send files to other devices, nor use it to sync a phone or PDA.

And as you said, a bluetooth mouse/keyboard have the advantage for those with laptops to avoid a propritary dongle to use a cordless device.

And 10.3 sees all the buttons on the MS Bluetooth mouse and allows you to map them to Expose features. Nothing in 10.2 will see them, including Microsoft's own Intellimouse software. So now you have another reason to get Panther when it comes out.