bluetooth is great... but in this scenario Microsofts implementation of bluetooth sucks.. I have a Microsoft Bluetooth mouse, probably the same one described in this thread it frequently gets lost. The only solution to this I've found is to uninstall and reinstall the microsoft software, beat the mouse, remove the batteries bang stuff around unplug and plug back in... just silliness.

My main complaint is why do I have to go out and buy a different bluetooth dongle for all my other bluetooth hardware??? Microsofts dongle ONLY works with the mouse and keyboard, it's not recognized by widdcom bluetooth software which is pretty much the standard bluetooth stack.... So basically because I was naive when I first got into bluetooth I wasted 70 bucks on a piece of trash MS bluetooth mouse and dongle...

Advice take it back if you can and buy something other then a microsoft bluetooth dongle... you can get good ones for 30 bucks...

But basically, you have no advantage with a bluetooth mouse. Headsets, synching with a pda, synching to a cell phone, uploading photos from your phone, etc... are all excellent uses for bluetooth and are extremely cool... but the mouse? I just don't see shelling out the dough. Now if you could find a bluetooth mouse that was compatible with generic bluetooth adaptors, along with all your other hardware, then that would frickin rock.

EDIT: Looks like that logitech deal does just that! Sweet!

Edited by lopan (09/10/2003 13:58)
Brett 60Gb MK2a with Led's