Today FedEx delivered my Treo 600; I transferred service from my 300 and was in business in about 20 minutes. Annoyingly is no longer helpful if either your old phone is Vision-capable or your new phone is a PDA. (Both are true). It took me a few minutes to get WirelessModem working again, and I also got MochaTelnet 3.0 (ssh v2-capable client) installed (and then also reinstalled MochaTelnet 2.3 to have an ssh v1 client).

Anyhow, Blazer has been updated to have Javascript as well as a mode where you get the unmodified page. I haven't tried it with the BBS yet but it seems to be better behaved. It has a built-in 640x480 camera, which isn't the greatest, but is ok if it's all you have on you. It has no bluetooth, but does have an SD slot. Sadly, no Bluetooth SD cards with PalmOS 5 drivers yet. Same deal with 802.11, but I'd rather have Bluetooth.

Anyhow, while my empeg was syncing after I screwed up while trying to test jEmplode 46 (again, not jEmplode's fault) I convinced my wife to come with me to meet rmitzz for food. I let him play with it for a bit, and we fooled with the camera. Then we parted ways. On the way home, just before I entered the borough where I live, someone coming the other way apparently fell asleep at the wheel and swerved off his side of the road, and just as he came into my side swerved back on and across and into me. Not a headon, only a sideswipe, but my car wasn't driveable. He walked over while we were stuck in the car (my door damaged and my wife's against the side of a hill) and had some facial cuts but seemed ok. The police, then the fire department, and then the EMTs showed up. I knew the firefighters from their adventure with an oil spill in my basement from a supposedly-empty tank last month. They popped the door, the EMTs took a look at my wife, who had a bruise from the seat belt, and I provided some info to the police. Then I went up and let the EMT check my foot (just sore, not broken) and they took me home.

But, before I walked up to the ambulance, I snapped a picture of the car:
I bet they call it totalled.

The empeg came home with me. It's fine. I also popped off the EZPass and brought it home. An adventurous night; I guess I should start looking for another car.