Yeah. I've upgraded to all 802.11g hardware now. I got what was cheapest at the time which was the Buffalo series of 802.11g products which are all based on Broadcom chipsets. The Linksys 802.11g products are nearly identical inside apart from the casing and the actual web interface.

Buffalo technical support are actually fairly good. They do know about their products and are quite helpful. I've not phoned/emailed any technical problems but have asked several things about upcoming firmware and WPA & WDS. They've usually replied to me within a few hours.

If you can, then you should make sure whatever you buy has WPA support or has firmware available which adds WPA support. It's much more secure than WEP and doesn't have any known flaws.

One word of warning though, if you want to use WDS between APs then you can't enable WPA and must use WEP instead. All 802.11g hardware manufacturers have this problem. Some say it can't be fixed but others say they'll give it a go. You can however buy normal ethernet bridges which support WPA.

If you want Linux support then it is best to buy an Intersil/Harris based card. I bought a Netgear 802.11g card because I wanted it in a Linux server and didn't want a bridge hanging off the back.

I've not got a ReplayTV as they don't exist in the UK so I can't really answer your last question.