Dish Network will have a single dish HDTV solution called SuperDISH out soon. And a PVR to go along with it. Soon being by the end of the year.
Yup, discovered that today. Supposedly the system will run in the neighborhood of a thousand bucks. Ouch! (Gee, I wonder what OTHER things I can think of which cost a thousand bucks which I thought was well worth it...

An extra paycheck from the other breadwinner in the family got us an impulse buy today. Samsung DirecTV/HDTV receiver, very nifty, with all of the features I needed (upconverts everything nicely to 1080, OTA HD tuner, gray bars in sideboxing mode, disk comes with four multiplexed outputs, etc.). I also got one of the $99.00 two-tuner Hughes Tivo/DirecTV units.
The way they integrate is: They don't. One of the units goes to one input on the TV, the other unit goes to the other. So I can watch nice sharp 1080-upconverted live TV, or I can watch kinda-fuzzy Tivo'd output via S-video plug, my choice.
I haven't got the system all hooked up yet (I'll tackle the dish install and the RG6 cable runs tomorrow), so we'll see how it goes.
The guys at Magnolia Hi Fi in Roseville were very nice and knowledgable. And they get mad props for having the Karma in a reasonably favorable display. I powered it on and showed the guy: "See that boot up animation? That's mine. <grin>". Dunno why he wasn't impressed. I got pictures, I'll prolly post them in the Karma thread some time next week when I get time.