Okay, let it be known that 2 years of my mouse finger sweat and late night tears went into this game... and it's FINALLY out in a couple of days for all three major consoles. I wish i could tell you if it was fun or not, but since i'm not really into this genre of game, and i haven't had time to sit down and play it since i got my copy yesterday, it's hard for me to say. But, the reviews have all been incredibly good... some 5 stars on the 5 scale, some 8's and 9's on the 10 scale. I guess i'm hoping some of you guys who are into that type of game can let me hear how you like it. I was just a lowly animator, so no gripes to me about the gameplay! heheh.

So if you are into RPG/Sports/RTS/whatever, give it a shot.

pimpage... stop.
|| loren ||