You know if these are actually up for sale now?
Those were prototypes. The Mongrel man is the only one that went into production as far as i know... i have one sitting here on my desk. I THINK the Samnite is also in production, but don't quote me on that. The rest are going to be made depending on the sales of the first two, and the overall popularity of the game.
Also, can't wait for Armed & Dangerous to come out, it looks to be quite a bit of fun
YES! I can't wait for this either. it's going to rock... the dialogue is hilarious.. and the action is action packed.
Loren, smack the person who cancelled the new Full Throttle game, and make sure the same thing dosen't happen to the new Sam and Max game
Trust me, it's better that it got canceled. It would have SUCKED and lost us tons of money... there was some gross mismanagement going on in that project. They decided to completely change focus half way through on one of the major aspects of the game. As for Sam and Max, don't worry, it's coming out, and it's gonna be a classic. I don't know about the gameplay yet, but i'm sure they'll pull through.
Are all those spectators really polygonal and animated?
Yes, they are all polygonal and animated... though some are flat, while others are fully polygonal and 3d. There are different Levels of Detail (LOD) that get popped in and out depending on the camera position. The animations aren't detailed at all... i wish i could have done some of them to make them better but they ended up being done by an art tech.