2. Send "GET /proc/empeg_screen.png HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"
I'm having trouble getting anything from the player this way.

If I go to a remote site, such as bluesnews, and send:
Then I get the whole proper page back.

If I send a specifica page, like GET /index.html I get that page back just fine. Or a nicely formatted error screen if it's not a valid page.

If I send anything with the HTTP/1.0 string appended like you show, I get nothing back at all.

And no matter what, if I send anything at all to the empeg (even when I know the IP address is right) I get nothing back, including the kinds of stuff that works for remote sites.

Any ideas how I'm supposed to format the GET string so that KHTTPD sends me back the file I'm looking for?
Tony Fabris