Ok, I’ve just read about three articles of people complaining about CBS moving “The Reagans” to Showtime, blaming it on cowardice, corporate greed, and a 1st amendment violation.

Now I understand how frustrating it is to get backlash against a project simply because of the political leanings of an actor, especially when the people being critical haven’t read the script. I agree that’s a little political; people should probably wait to air their issues until they have something to really complain about. And for the record I’m not a huge Regan fan, though as most of you probably know I do lean toward the right on issues.

However, blaming CBS for pulling the show just seems silly. Saying that they are “only interested in the bottom line” is a true statement, but I don’t see why it’s such a bad thing. That’s why CBS exists, right? To make money? And there’s not much upside to ticking a bunch of people off, liberal, conservative, or anything else. Saying that TV shouldn’t pander to the masses just seems silly to me. Anyone who’s watch ANY TV should know that’s exactly what TV does, as does music and film. It’s their business. We may not like it, but then no ones forcing us to watch either.

And then making comments like “What matters is that a major media company chose profits over the First Amendment.” I really don’t get that at all. In what world is it the medias job to protect our First amendment rights? The First amendment doesn’t say that the media can’t restrict what it says or shows, only that the government can’t regulate what we say. How is CBS pulling a show having anything to do with the government regulation of speech?

It seems to me that given the obvious backlash against the show, CBS was probably making a rather prudent business decision. If I thought I’d alienate half my viewers by putting a show out, regardless of how true it was I’d probably pull it too.

Edited because I can't spell.

Edited by FerretBoy (05/11/2003 09:51)
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.