Saying that TV shouldn’t pander to the masses
Yeah but this is an example of TV pandering to the few. The main issue, as I understand it, was a disagreement over how Reagan is portrayed in relation to his view of people with AIDS, along with some other quibbles about the general characterization of the former president. The thing is, CBS knows their target audience, and knows what makes them money, and they were willing to run the show. Only after a few conservative groups started swarming in and putting pressure on them and their advertisers did they back off.

And before anyone labels me a hypocrite, if it were Jimmy Carter and a bunch of liberal groups instead of Reagan and the right-wings, I would have the same opinion. I hate when any small group that represents a fraction of the population's views goes overboard with an issue like this. I know it's the network's right to do what they want, but the fact that these kind of strongarm tactics are used enrages me more than the underlying issue.

All that being said, drawing the First Ammendment into the conversation is complete bunk. The person who said that is just as much of an idiot as the people who brought about this change.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff