You should probably watch the movie.
What it's "about" doesn't change the fact that the the story developed in each film is not held together well for one reason or another. The "concept" as it was introduced in the first movie breaks down somewhat in execution of the two sequels. And that's what you'll find most people complaining about. It's what I'm not satisfied with. You can set aside realism and you can pepper the movie with even more overt religious tones, but neither of those choices, nor any number of others ade in the movies, changes the flaws of simplicity and consistency in the scripts. With the exception of a couple of bits of dialogue, each subsequent movie seems to have been dumbed down.
Don't get me wrong however. They've all been entertaining to watch. But at the conclusion, I think I may have preferred three seperate stories within the single "concept" perhaps from thre different perspectives or at thee different times.