Fair warning: everything I'm about to say is based on the concepts as they are presented in the third film. I believe the previous films hinted at other directions.
The film is basically a reiligous film
I'd have to disagree here, though it does depend on the meaning you pour into the word "religious". However, I'd say it's a
philosophical film, not a religious one. True that it has religious symbolism, but religious symbolism does not a spiritual movie make. In the end I thought the movie(s) took more of an existential bent (along the lines of
this book I think) than a spiritual one.
the whole premise is if you have faith you can be delivered into a truer existence.
I'd disagree here. Some of the characters have faith, but mostly this is demonstrated to be empty faith. True there is faith in Neo in the end, but this is more of a blind hope than anything else. I'd say the real premise of the movie(s) is that we do what we do because we choose to, not because of faith, love, power, etc. This does not imply spiritually but in fact the opposite: there is no "why", only existence and our choice to continue in it (hmm sounds like something Yoda would say!). At least that's my take on the movie(s).
(Of course I disagree with the philosophy personally, but it's what I think they were driving at.)