No offence meant from any of my comments either.
From my point of view it was not even necessarily a religious thing - although the religion angle lends a certain amount of vocabulary which does tend to colour the text somewhat to the less religious. This site would probably provoke similar (abeit maybe less) reactions if it was taken from a purely censorious stance, without the extra religious connotations.
I noticed some of the reviewers got the balance right, seeing the context of the film and evaluating it sensibly, in some cases with high praise for the artistic content, while some appeared to be there purely counting pre-defined words or actions to get the final score. Reminds me of the story of one ISP removing all newsgroups containing the word "breast" to clean up it's content, and so removing a number of breast cancer support groups - don't know if it is actually true though.
I understand and appreciate the need for a guide to help people decide what their children should watch (I am increasingly surprised by the ratings some films are getting now - maybe I'm getting old!). People vary too much for any one guide to be appreciated by all. Mind you, I wouldn't be without all the different types of people who write/read/appreciate/applaud/laugh at/are offended by this type of thing - it makes the place more interesting!