Wow - those 2 reviews are the best I've seen so far! I can just imagine somone sitting in the movie theater with their little counter things in each hand counting up 47 incidences of the most foul of the foul words. They must watch each film 8 times to get all the categories!
It reminds me of the Father Ted episode where Ted and Dougal are asked by the Bishop to protest against the film 'The Passion of St Tibulus' and end up making it the most successful film ever on the island.
(Talking about the film)
Ted: I know for a fact St. Tibulus wore more clothes then that. He was from Norway or somewhere, he'd have frozen to death
Dougal: And do you remember that bit when St. Tibulas tried to take that banana off the other lad
Ted: That wasn't a banana Dougal
Edit: My picture won't show up! Feck!
187830-untitled.bmp (70 downloads)
Edited by PhilipOHare (11/11/2003 15:47)