They were good as far as they went, but they really only covered the areas that would be dismantled in a normal, sane installation.

True. They pretty much cover the factory mounting points rather than complete disassembly instructions for the entire interior of the car. Still, for someone who doesn't know how to properly dismantle even the factory mounting points, they are a godsend.

I'm so very glad I got those master sheets before trying to dismantle my dash or my doors. In both cases, there were "hidden" screws under certain "secret" pry-up points that I didn't know existed. If I hadn't looked at those master sheets, I would have cracked some plastic or put screwdriver gouges in visible places.

Check your email -- I've sent you an updated drawing.

Got it. Nifty stuff. You should convert that to a .GIF and share it here on the BBS.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris