This is the last stolen empeg that I will read about without learning my lesson. I will NEVER leave my empeg in the car unattended. But I can't bring my bulky Pelecan 1400 case with me everywhere...

So, what bag can we use that is small, plain looking, and either has good padding OR good handles to prevent droppage?

At the one empeg meet I attended, I remember seeing genexia's cool cloth bag. It was tiny and, I think, JUST fit the empeg. I wouldn't mind putting just the empeg in there and bringing it into the mall, restaurant, or movie theater; even with a date!

Anyone have any better ideas for making the empeg more portable EVERYWHERE we go? Man purses? (darnit, men NEED purses, but nobody else but me can see that!) Little jacket pockets to put the empeg in? Any ideas?
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set