In case people did not dig further into this, I did, and here are some more quality speed runs.

It's worth reading their "Why and How" FAQ to understand that you are not watching true Nintendo genius, but carefully choreographed, emulator assisted, recorded in parts with thousands of retries, bug abusing, art pieces crafted by, well, Nintendo geniuses... who have some serious style.

Super Mario 64 in 16 minutes. Can you fathom those jumps?

Super Mario World in 15 minutes. One word: juggling.

And one that grows old quick, but is pretty stunning, Arkanoid without dropping a ball, keeping three in play in most levels.

I'm so glad I realized Google Video would have these. Sure beats trying to run the corrupt/odd-codec "mosmb3.wmv" I fought to download two years ago which has been sitting on my hard drive ever since.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set